Class 12 English Suggestion 2024 (WBBCHSE BOARD) উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২৪

Class 12 English Suggestion 2024 (WBBCHSE BOARD) উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২৪

Class 12 English Suggestion 2024
Class 12 English Suggestion 2024

A . Answer the Following questions, each in about 100 words:  Marks-6

1.  “She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her.”- Whose eyes are mentioned here?

Why are the eyes useless to her? Bring out the irony of the situation.       1+2+3

2.  "Yes, October is the best time."- Who is the speaker? On what occasion is the remark made

and to whom? Why is October the best time?     1+2+3

3.  "I answered quite confidently."- Who answered the question and to whom? What question

was asked? What was the answer? What helped the speaker answer confidently? 1+1+1+3

4. voice startled her."- Who is the speaker here? Who is mentioned as 'her'? Why was she started? What did she do afterwards? 1+1+2+2

 5.  "The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie."- Who is the speaker?

What was the reverie? How did the man break the reverie of the speaker? 1+3+2

6.  "Then I made a mistake."- What mistake' did the speaker make? Why was it a 'mistake”?

What removed the speaker's doubts? What did the speaker do then?      1+2+1+2

7.  “But her next question removed my doubts"- Who made this remarks and about whom?

What were the doubts of the speaker? What was the next question? How did it remove the doubts?        2+1+1+2

8.  Describe the exchange between Ruskin Bond and his last Fellow passenger in the train. 6

9.  What did Kalam's father tell him about the relevance of prayers?         6

 10.  Describe the locality where APJ Abdul Kalam lived in his childhood. 6

11.  Describe Kalam's childhood.               6

12.  “This is not a correct approach at all.”—Who said this and to whom? What 'approach' is referred to here? Why was it not a correct approach?   2+2+2

13.  “I have, throughout my life, tried to emulate my father."—Who said this? In which field did the speaker try to emulate his father? What was revealed to him by his father? What did he feel convinced of about emulating his father? 1+1+1+ 3

14.  What had remained the routine for Abdul Kalam's father even when he was in his late sixties?

What does Abdul Kalam say about his emulation of his father? 3+3

15.  Why did the Tsar not agree with the answer of the learned men? Who did the Tsar decide to consult again? What was this person famous for? How did the Tsar go to visit this person?      1+1+1+3

16.  "Here comes someone running"- Who is the speaker? Who was coming? Why did he come running? What happened to him?           1+1+2+2

17.  "You have already been answered"-Who said this and to whom? How has the Tsar already been answered? 2+4

18.  ".......I will serve you as your most Faithful slave."- Who said this and to whom? What was the reaction of the person spoken to? What did the person spoken to do after this? 1+1+2+2

19.  Justify the title of the poem 'Asleep in the Valley'.     6

20.  Discuss 'Asleep in the Valley' as an anti-war poem.   6

 21.  “The humming insects don't disturb his rest."- Who rests and where? What puts him to rest? Why can't the insects disturb his rest? 2+1+3

22.  “A soldier, very young, lies open -mouthed” Who the 'soldier' referred to here? Narrate in your own words how the soldier lies in the valley.                        2+4

23.  .......and this gives life to thee."-What does this' refer to? Who is referred to by 'thee"? How does this' give life?                1+1+4

24.  "When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st.'-What are 'eternal lines'? Who does thou' refer to here? How will 'thou grow'st' in enternal lines? 1+1+4

 25.  Justify the title of the poem 'Shall I compare Thee".                6

26.  “He takes the lead."—Who takes the lead? When does he take the lead? How does he take the lead?                1+2+3

27.  ".......he has never done/With his delights."—Who is 'he"? What are his delights? Why has he never done with his delights?                              1+2+3

28.  “When all the birds are faint." - Why are all birds faint? What do the birds do then? Who plays the role of the birds? How does he play the role?            1+1+1+3

29.  What picture of summer is presented in "The Poetry of Earth"? How has it been carried into the picture of winter?                 4+2

30. “Oh, how lucky you are”. Who is the speaker? Who is referred to by the word you? Why is the person spoken to called lucky.        1+1+4

31. “ It could be a fascinating game” – who is the speaker? What was the fascinating game? How cloud guessing help him to keep himself away from reality? How did it come to end? 1+1+2+2

32. “When troubls come, try to understand the relevance of your sufferings”- who said this and to whom? Evaluate the statement? 1+1+4

33. “You do not know me, but I know you”- who is the speaker? Who is referred to by the word you? How did the speaker meet with the person spocken to? What did the speaker promise to the person.


34. “In he side there are two red holes” who is the person refferd here? What do the two red holes signifi? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here?      1+2+3

35. “His smile hi like an infant” – whose smile is referred to here? Why is his smile compared with that of an infant? How does nature treat him?        1+2+3

36. “And every fair from fair sometimes declines”- what are the deffrent meanings of the fair here? How does Shakespeare immortalise his friends beauty in the sonnet no 18?  2+4



1. Justify the title of the play "The Proposal'.        6

2.  Make a brief sketch of social life as you see in the play "The Proposal.                6

3.  Discuss the reasons why the marriage proposal is important to all the characters in then play

The Proposal'.   6

4.  Sketch the character of Chubukoy as a sensible father.              6

5.  Sketch the character of Natalya.          6

6.  Why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he want to marry? Why?                 3+1+2

7.  "Bring him back! Back! Ah! Bring him here."-Who said this and to whom? Who was referred to as 'him' here? Why did the speaker say this in such a way?                   2+1+3

8.  "Hurry up and get married." - Who says this and to whom? When does the speaker say this? Why does he say so?                                2+1+3

9.  "Forgive us Ivan vassilevitch, we were all a little heated."-Who is the speaker? Who are referred to by 'us'? Why were the persons referred to a little heated'? Why does the speaker ask for forgiveness? 1+1+2+2

10.  "If you like. I'll make you a present of them."Who is the speaker? Who is the person spoken to? What would the speaker make a present of? Why did the speaker say so? 1+2+3

11.  "Oh, what a burden, Lord," - Who is the speaker? What does he consider as burden Why does he think so?                    1+2+3

 12. "I have come to trouble you with a request." --Who has come to whom? What

is the request? What does the person spoken to think to be the purpose of the visit? How does he react to the request finally?                  1+1+1+3

13.  She is in love, egard , she is like a love cat- Who say this and whom? About whom is it said and when? why does the speaker say so?

14. “what a burden to be the father of a grown up daughter”- who is the father? Who is the daughter? Why is the daughter a burden to the father?              1+1+4

15. "I am tired of people telling me I have a pretty face." - Who said this, to whom, and when? What did the person spoken to reply? [1+1+2+2=6]

16. "Yes, this is the best time." - Who said this? What is the best time according to the speaker? Give the occasion of the remark? Why does the speaker think so?

Or, "Yes this is the best time." - Who said this and to whom? What was the occasion of the remark? Why according to the narrator is the best time?

17. "She would forget our brief encounter." - Who said this about whom? What is the 'brief encounter' referred to here? Why did the speaker think so? [2+2+2=6] ***

18. "The girl got up and began to collect her thing." Who is the girl? When did she get up? Why did she collect her things? What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl? [1+1+1+3 = 6]

19. "She was an interesting girl." - Who said this, to whom, and when? What else did the person say? What reply did he get? [3+1+2=6]

20. 'Our locality was predominantly Muslim' - Who is the speaker? How does the speaker describe the locality? What picture of communal harmony do you find in the description? [1 + 3 + 2 = 6]

21. 'The people of different religions would be sitting outside waiting for him' - Who is referred to as 'him'? Where did the people wait? Why did they wait there? What would happen thereafter? [1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6]

22. 'His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm - Who is the speaker? Whose answer is being referred to here? What was the answer? [1 + 1 + 4 = 6] ***

23. How does Kalam describe his childhood in his composition "Strong Roots"? ***

24. "Why don't you say this to the people who come to you?"- Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word 'this'? Why do the people come to the person spoken to? [1 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 6] ***

25. I normally ate with my mother - Who ate with his mother? Name his mother? Where did he eat with his mother? What did he eat with his mother? [1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 6]

Thank You Ma'am

26. "I would teach you right from wrong."- who said this, to whom and when? How did the speaker transform the person spoken to her? [1+1+1+3=6]***

Or, "You ought to be my son. I would teach you right from wrong." - Who speaks (and) to whom? Did the speaker manage to téach what he/she claimed to teach? Give reason for your answer? [2 + 4 = 6]

27. "You gonna take me to jail?" - Who asked this question and to whom? When did the speaker ask this question? What reply did the speaker get? [2 + 3 + 1 = 6] ***

28. " I'm very sorry, lady, I'm sorry" -Who is the speaker? Was the speaker really sorry ? When was the speaker a changed person ? [1 + 2 + 3]

29. What had Mrs. Jones guessed to be the real reason behind Roger's action? What was the real reason? What did Mrs Jones do so that Roger could fulfil his wish? What did she tell him then? [ 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 6

30. "Do you need somebody to get to the store?" - Who is the speaker? To whom did the speaker say this? Why did the speaker want to go to the store? What did they have in supper? [1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 6]

31. "And he did not want to be mistrusted now." Who is referred to as "he" here? Whose

trust did he want to win? Why didn't he want to be mistrusted? ***

32. What kind of a woman is Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones?

Or, What features of the character of Mrs. Luella Bates are exposed in the short story' Thank You Ma'am'?

Or, Sketch the character of Mrs Jones.


Three Questions

1. Why did the Tsar decide to meet the hermit and how did he visit him? What was the hermit doing when the Tsar met him? ***

2. "All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed none of them." - What were the questions to which the Tsar got different answers? Whom did the Tsar decide to consult when he was not satisfied? Where did the person live whom the Tsar decided to consult? What was he famous for? [3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6] ***

3. How did the bearded man become the Tsar's friend?

4. "Forgive me!" said the bearded man in a weak voice." - Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did the man ask forgiveness? ***

Or, Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? [1 + 2 + 3 = 6]

5. How was the wounded man revived and nursed? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar? What did the Tsar do when he had gained the man for a friend? [2 + 2 + 2 = 6] ***


On Killing A Tree

1. The poem "On Killing a Tree" describes man's cruelty and violence to nature. Discuss. ***

2. How does a tree offer resistance to its destruction? How does its resistance fail? [ 3 + 3 = 6] ***

3. How does the poet describe the growth of a tree over the years? What are the different steps taken for killing a tree? | 4 + 2 =6|"

4. Justify the title of the poem 'On Killing A Tree'. [6] ***

5. "And then it is done". - What is being referred to here? How is it done? On what tone does the poem end? [1 + 2 + 3 = 6] ***

6. "And the strength of the tree exposed." - What is the strength of the tree? Where does this line occur? Why is it described as the strength of the tree?

Shall I Compare Thee

1. How does Shakespeare compare the beauty of his friend to that of a summer's day? [6]

Or, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day"? - Whom does the poet address to? Why does the poet propose to compare him to a summer's day? How is the question answered by the poet? ***

2. What do the rough winds do? What does the poet mean by 'summer's lease'? How is

the friend's beauty superior to the summer's day? \{1 + 1 + 4 = 6\}

3. 'But thy eternal summer shall not fade. - Who is being referred to as 'thy'? What is meant by 'eternal summer'? Why shall not 'thy eternal summer? fade? [1 + 1 + 4 = 6] ***

Or, 'But thy eternal summer shall not fade.' - Who is the poet? What is meant by 'eternal summer'? How does the poet suggest that 'thy eternal summer' shall never end?

1 + 1 + 4 = 6]

The Poetry of Earth

1. What does Keats mean by 'poetry of earth'? Why does he say that this poetry never

ceases? [2 + 4 = 6] ***

2. Justify the title of Keats's sonnet 'The Poetry of Earth'. [6]

3. Identify the voices of the 'Poetry of Earth'. How does Keats establish its continuity through its voices?

[ 2 + 4 = 6

4. Why does Keats feel that the poetry of earth is never dead? [6] ***

Or. How does Keats show that the poetry of earth never ceases? [6]

Or. How does Keats show that the poetry of earth' is never dead? [6]

The Proposal

1. Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomoy in the play "The Proposal'. [6] ***

2. "You're not a neighbour, you're a grabber." Who said this and to whom? Why did the speaker say this?

3. How responsible a father is Chubukov? ***

4. Why are you formal in your get up.^ prime prime prime - W * ho is the speaker? Who is being spoken to? What leads the speaker to make this comment? [1 + 1 + 4 = 6]

5. "I have been hoping for it for a

long time." ." Who is the speaker? What does 'it' refer

to? How did the speaker come to know about it? What more did the speaker say in this

context? [1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 6]

6. Why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he

want to marry? Why? [3 + 1 + 2 = 6]

OR. "And it's impossible for me not to marry. " - W * hv is the speaker so interested to marry? Whom does he want to marry and why? [3 + 1 + 2 = 6]

Or, Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna. What logic does he give for his decision? [6]

10. "I am the most unhappy of men." Who said this? Why did he say so? How did the speaker get rid of his unhappiness? [1 + 3 + 2 = 6] **

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