WhatsApp has recently expanded its file-sharing capabilities, now allowing users to share files up to 2GB in size. Additionally, the messaging platform is gearing up to introduce a novel feature that enables users to share files and photos with nearby individuals even when offline, eliminating the need for an internet connection. This offline file-sharing mode appears to be WhatsApp's answer to Nearby Share/Quick Share, facilitating file transfers via Bluetooth connectivity to nearby devices.
WhatsApp's Upcoming Feature |
Currently undergoing testing in the Android beta version, this feature prompts users to grant permissions for accessing nearby devices, their device's photo gallery, and their location. Similar to Nearby Share, these permissions are necessary for enabling offline file sharing.
One notable aspect of these file-sharing capabilities is the ability for users to manually disable access, offering an important layer of security. Although offline sharing has been discussed previously, its inclusion in the beta testing phase suggests an official release may be imminent.
While most apps rely on an internet connection for functionality, WhatsApp's provision of an offline feature is promising. Moreover, the platform ensures end-to-end encryption, guaranteeing the security of shared content with contacts or nearby individuals. WhatsApp is also experimenting with a new method of sharing these details, introducing a dedicated section accessible via the "+" icon at the bottom of the screen.
The new feature is currently undergoing beta testing for Android users, specifically in version, as reported by Wabetainfo. This update introduces a new tab labeled "Recently Online" above the contacts section, providing a glimpse into recently active contacts. Though it doesn't offer a comprehensive online list, it effectively simulates such functionality by displaying a limited number of recent active contacts, particularly when selecting contacts for calls.