A Mumbai teenager Farhat Aam Shik has lost an arm and a leg after a dangerous train stunt went horribly wrong. Farhat Aam Shik who recently gained notor from a viral video showing him clinging to a moving local train was found by the RPF Personnel in a severely injured condition the video circulated on X earlier this month Shake performing The Stunt at SEI station on the 7th of March the footage gained widespread attention when it was posted on the 14th of July the RPF after tracing the teenager discovered he had lost a leg and an arm due to a similar stunt attempted on 14th of April at mjid station the Central Railway issued a Stern warning against such a reckless behavior following the incident and has registered a case against shake with the Vadala unit of the RPF the Central Railway has also encouraged citizens to report such activities immediately by calling their 139 helpline number.